Thursday, February 28, 2013

Unit 4 Review

Comic of the Day
Tip: Whenever you factor, always check your answer

Warm Up
Mad Minute for Factoring
a) Factor

b) Factor

Announcements & Deadlines
  • Homework (108 questions) for unit 4 due Thu, Feb 28 at 23:59
  • Quiz 4 (34 questions, 120 min, 3 tries) opens Fri, Feb 15 and closes Thu, Feb 28 at 23:59
  • Next unit exam (in class) Fri, Mar 1 (2 hours)

Today - Review
Review sheets

For more information

Wednesday, February 27, 2013

Factor ax²+bx+c

Comic of the Day

Warm Up
Mad Minute for Factoring
a) True or False:

b) Factor

c) Multiply

d) Factor

Announcements & Deadlines
  • Homework (108 questions) for unit 4 due Thu, Feb 28 at 23:59
  • Quiz 4 (34 questions, 120 min, 3 tries) opens Fri, Feb 15 and closes Thu, Feb 28 at 23:59
  • Next unit exam (in class) Fri, Mar 1 (2 hours)

Today - Factor ax²+bx+c
Get Factoring Flowchart out from yesterday
Notes p. 137-141
Unit 4 Homework #101-108

Tomorrow - Review
Come prepared with homework questions!
I will provide the practice tests, and will review each type of question
  • polynomial multiplication, 
  • LCM/GCF, 
  • prime factorization, 
  • factor by GCF, 
  • factor by grouping, 
  • factor x²+bx+c (guess and check, product-sum), 
  • factor ax²+bx+c (GCF, guess and check, decomposition) 
For more information

Tuesday, February 26, 2013

Factor x²+bx+c with GCF

Comic of the Day

Warm Up
Mad Minute for Factoring
a) To factor means to rewrite a sum as a ________________
b) Factor

c) Factor

Announcements & Deadlines
  • Homework (108 questions) for unit 4 due Thu, Feb 28 at 23:59
  • Quiz 4 (34 questions, 120 min, 3 tries) opens Fri, Feb 15 and closes Thu, Feb 28 at 23:59
  • Next unit exam (in class) Fri, Mar 1 (2 hours)

Today - Factor x²+bx+c and ax²+bx+c
Factoring Flowchart
Notes p. 132-138
Unit 4 Homework #80-100

Tomorrow - Factor ax²+bx+c
Pre-read pages 139-141

For more information

Monday, February 25, 2013

Factor by Grouping, Factor x²+bx+c

Comic of the Day

Warm Up
Mad Minute
a) Multiply

b) Factor out the greatest common factor

c) What values would make this true?

Announcements & Deadlines
  • Homework (108 questions) for unit 4 due Thu, Feb 28 at 23:59
  • Quiz 4 (34 questions, 120 min, 3 tries) opens Fri, Feb 15 and closes Thu, Feb 28 at 23:59
  • Next unit exam (in class) Fri, Mar 1 (2 hours)

Today - Factor by Grouping, Factor x²+bx+c
Notes p. 128-136
Unit 4 Homework #80-100
Mad Minute for Factoring

Tomorrow - Factor ax²+bx+c
Pre-read pages 137-141

For more information
Fun Practice

Friday, February 15, 2013

LCM & GCF Word Problems

Comic of the Day

Warm Up
You want to tile a room that measures 24 feet by 32 feet.  The store sells square tiles of several sizes. Which tiles should (or could) you buy?

Announcements & Deadlines
  • Homework (108 questions) for unit 4 due Thu, Feb 28 at 23:59
  • Quiz 4 (34 questions, 120 min, 3 tries) opens Fri, Feb 15 and closes Mon, Feb 25 at 23:59
  • Reading Week Feb 18-22 (no classes)
  • Next unit exam (in class) Fri, Mar 1 (2 hours)

Today - LCM and GCF word problems, common factors
Notes p. 122-127
Unit 4 Homework #66-79

Tomorrow - Reading Week

For more information

Thursday, February 14, 2013

Introduction to Factoring (LCM and GCF)

Comic of the Day

Warm Up
a) Perform the following operations and simplify:
(x - 3)(2x² - 4x + 1) - (x + 2)(x² + 2x - 3)
b) The outside dimensions of a picture frame is (2x+3)(3x-1), and the picture inside it has dimensions (x+4)(2x+1).  What is the area of the picture frame?

Announcements & Deadlines
  • Homework (108 questions) for unit 4 due Thu, Feb 28 at 23:59
  • Quiz 4 (34 questions, 120 min, 3 tries) opens Fri, Feb 15 and closes Mon, Feb 25 at 23:59
  • Reading Week Feb 18-22 (no classes)
  • Next unit exam (in class) Fri, Mar 1 (2 hours)

Today - LCM and GCF
If the area of a rectangle is 24 cm², what could it's dimensions be?
Notes p. 118-121
Unit 4 Homework #55-65

Tomorrow - LCM and GCF word problems, common factors
Pre-read p. 122-127, homework #66-79

For more information
Like Terms Invaders!

Wednesday, February 13, 2013

Combined Operations on Polynomials

Comic of the Day

Warm Up
Multiply the following:
(x - 2)(x² + 3x - 1)

Announcements & Deadlines
  • Homework (108 questions) for unit 4 due Thu, Feb 28 at 23:59
  • Quiz 4 (34 questions, 120 min, 3 tries) opens Fri, Feb 15 and closes Mon, Feb 25 at 23:59
  • Reading Week Feb 18-22 (no classes)
  • Next unit exam (in class) Fri, Mar 1 (2 hours)

Today - Combined Operations on Polynomials
Mixture of adding, subtracting and multiplying
Notes p. 112-115
Unit 4 Homework #49-54

Tomorrow - LCM and GCF
Pre-read p. 118-121, homework #55-65

For more information

Tuesday, February 12, 2013

Multiply Larger Polynomials

Comic of the Day

Warm Up
Multiply the following, and draw as an area calculation of a rectangle:
a) (2)(x+3)
b) (x-1)(3x+2)
c) (3x-1)(x+4)

Announcements & Deadlines
  • Homework (108 questions) for unit 4 due Thu, Feb 28 at 23:59
  • Quiz 4 (34 questions, 120 min, 3 tries) opens Fri, Feb 15 and closes Mon, Feb 25 at 23:59
  • Reading Week Feb 18-22 (no classes)
  • Next unit exam (in class) Fri, Mar 1 (2 hours)

Today - Multiply Larger Polynomials
Multiply binomials with trinomials, and several variables (x & y)
Notes p. 108-111
Unit 4 Homework #28-48

Tomorrow - Combined Operations on Polynomials
Pre-read p. 112-115, homework #49-54

For more information

Monday, February 11, 2013

Multiply Polynomials

Comic of the Day

Warm Up
Mad Minute
Multiply by rewriting as a sum and using the distributive property

Review Unit 3 Exam

Announcements & Deadlines

  • Approximately 30% of the course has been completed.  Use this tool to determine how well you need to do from here on to meet your goal (requires Java, may not work on NAIT computers)

  • Homework (108 questions) for unit 4 due Thu, Feb 28 at 23:59
  • Quiz 4 (34 questions, 120 min, 3 tries) opens Fri, Feb 15 and closes Mon, Feb 25 at 23:59
  • Reading Week Feb 18-22 (no classes)
  • Next unit exam (in class) Fri, Mar 1 (2 hours)

Today - Multiplying Polynomials
Multiply monomials, mono- with bi-, bi- with bi- (algebra tiles)
Notes p. 102-107
Unit 4 Homework #1-27

Tomorrow - Multiplying Larger Polynomials
Pre-read p. 108-111, homework #28-48

For more information

Friday, February 8, 2013

Multiplying with Distributive Property

Comic of the Day

Warm Up
Unit 3 exam

Announcements & Deadlines
Homework (108 questions) for unit 4 due Thu, Feb 28 at 23:59
Quiz 4 (34 questions, 120 min, 3 tries) opens Fri, Feb 15 and closes Mon, Feb 25 at 23:59
Reading Week Feb 18-22 (no classes)
Next unit exam (in class) Fri, Mar 1 (2 hours)

Today - Multiplying with Distributive Property
Multiples of 11
Tipping 15%
Worksheet - Multiplying with Distributive Property

Tomorrow - Multiplying Polynomials
Print notepack, and pre-read p. 102-107

For more information

Wednesday, February 6, 2013

Review of Exponents and Polynomials

Comic of the Day

Warm Up
Perform the following operations and express your answer in descending order

Class tomorrow (Thu, 8:15-10:10) will be in J208
Homework for unit 3 due Thu, Feb 7 at 23:59
Quiz 3 (90 minutes, 2 attempts) opens Tue, Feb 5 and closes Thu, Feb 7 at 23:59
Next unit exam (in class) Fri, Feb 8 (1 hour)

Today - Polynomial Expressions for Perimeter
Algebra Tiles
Notes p. 100-101
Homework #90
Exponent Laws worksheets

Tomorrow - Homework questions in computer lab
Come prepared with homework questions

For more information
Visual method of adding polynomials
Other videos

Tuesday, February 5, 2013

Adding and Subtracting Polynomials

Comic of the Day

Warm Up
Answer the following questions regarding the polynomial 

a) What is the value when x=2?
b) Can it be classified as a monomial, binomial or trinomial?
c) Rewrite the polynomial in descending order
d) What is its degree?
e) What is the leading coefficient?
f) What is the trailing coefficient?

Homework for unit 3 due Thu, Feb 7 at 23:59
Quiz 3 (90 minutes, 2 attempts) opens Tue, Feb 5 and closes Thu, Feb 7 at 23:59
Next unit exam (in class) Fri, Feb 8 (2 hours)

Today - Adding & Subtracting Polynomials
Notes p. 98-101
Homework #78-90

Tomorrow - Review
Come prepared with homework questions

For more information
Visual method of adding polynomials
Other videos

Monday, February 4, 2013

Introduction to Polynomials

Comic of the Day

Warm Up
Simplify the following using exponent laws

Homework for unit 3 due Thu, Feb 7 at 23:59
Quiz 3 (90 minutes, 2 attempts) opens Tue, Feb 5 and closes Thu, Feb 7 at 23:59
Next unit exam (in class) Fri, Feb 8 (2 hours)

Today - Evaluate Polynomials, Polynomial Fundamentals
Like Terms Invaders!
Notes p. 92-97
Homework #46-77

Tomorrow - Adding & Subtracting Polynomials
Pre-read p. 98-101

For more information

Friday, February 1, 2013

Fundamental Exponents Laws

Comic of the Day

Warm Up
Complete the Exponent Table on the back of your Area Table.  

Homework for unit 3 due Thu, Feb 7 at 23:59
Quiz 3 (90 minutes, 2 attempts) opens Tue, Feb 5 and closes Thu, Feb 7 at 23:59
Next unit exam (in class) Fri, Feb 8 (2 hours)

Today - Fundamental Exponent Laws
Rocket Mathematicians

Notes p. 84-89
Homework #1-45

Tomorrow - Evaluate Polynomials, Polynomial Fundamentals
Pre-read p. 92-97

For more information