Monday, January 7, 2013

Welcome to Math 10C!

Comic of the Day

Meet your instructor
Team-building activity

  Course Outline (general)
  Syllabus (instructor information)
  Tentative Timeline (lectures, homework, unit exams)
  Formula Sheet

Moodle (

MyMathLab (
Help Session 1 (Hosted by Kerry Lyn Heberling)
Fri Jan 11, 11:15-12:10, Room J-208

Help Session 2 (Hosted by Mark Schneider)
Mon Jan 14, 11:15-12:10, Room J-210

Expressions and Order of Operations
Notes (will be posted on Moodle)

10 multiple-choice questions, to be completed without a calculator

Area Table (don't do the exponent table on the back yet)

Tomorrow - Fractions, Decimals and Percent
Pre-read lecture notes unit 1 (available on Moodle)

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