Wednesday, April 3, 2013

Solving Applications of Systems

Comic of the Day

Warm Up and Homework Questions
The following items are listed in a catalog:
Widget --------- $2.00 ---------- 1 kg
Gizmo --------- $3.50 ---------- 1.5 kg
You place an order which costs $49 and weighs 22 kg.
a) Write an equation to relate the cost/value
b) Write an equation to relate the weight

Announcements & Deadlines
  • Thursday's class (8:15-10:10) will be in J208 computer lab, and will include time to complete the Student Feedback on Instruction (SFI) evaluation
  • Homework (41 questions) for unit 6 due Thu, Apr 4 at 23:59
  • Quiz 6 (19 questions, 90 min, 2 tries) opens Wed, Apr 3 and closes Thu, Apr 4 at 23:59
  • Next unit exam (in class) Fri, Apr 5 (2 hours)
  • Final exam - Thu, Apr 25, 10:15-12:10, room E225 (across from my office bank)
Today - Applications of Systems of Equations
p. 217-219
Homework #33-41

Tomorrow - Review
Bring homework questions that you are stuck on

For more information

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