Wednesday, January 23, 2013

Intro to Trigonometry

Comic of the Day

Warm Up
a) To determine the volume, sketch some smaller shapes that we could break this toy train into.
b) The longest side of a right-triangle is 3 ft long, and one of the other sides is 2 feet long.  How long is the third side?

Optional extra review of Math 7-9 on MyMathLab (order of operations, triangles)
Next quiz (in MyMathLab) opens Tue, Jan 22 at 10:00am, closes Fri, Jan 25 at 23:59 (2 hours, 2 attempts)
Homework for unit 2 due Wed, Jan 30 at 23:59
Next unit exam (in class) Thu, Jan 31

Today - Introduction to Trigonometry

Q. I am using a wheelchair and need a ramp so I can access my home independently. What should the slope of the ramp be?

A. The Alberta Building Code states that the slope of a ramp should not exceed 1: 12. That is, for every inch of rise there should be at least 12 inches (or 1 foot) of run. Source

If the steps are 18 inches high, how far does the ramp have to come out from the steps, and how long is the ramp?

Notes p. 60-64

Tomorrow - Trigonometry - Finding Side Lengths and Angles
Notes p. 65-66

For more information

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