Monday, January 21, 2013

Volume and Surface Area

Comic of the Day

Warm Up
Mad Minute Monday

Next quiz (in MyMathLab) opens Tue, Jan 22 at 10:00am, closes Thu, Jan 24 at 23:59
Homework for unit 2 due Wed, Jan 30 at 23:59
Next unit exam (in class) Thu, Jan 31

Today - Surface Area and Volume of Pyramids, Cones, Cylinders, Spheres
Notes p. 40-57

Tomorrow - Surface Area and Volume of Complex Objects
Notes p. 58-

For more information

1 comment:

  1. Intro activity
    Give out the various shapes and lined index cards to be used as a ruler. Pass the shapes around and get everybody to measure the critical dimensions to calculate the volume and surface area.
