Friday, February 8, 2013

Multiplying with Distributive Property

Comic of the Day

Warm Up
Unit 3 exam

Announcements & Deadlines
Homework (108 questions) for unit 4 due Thu, Feb 28 at 23:59
Quiz 4 (34 questions, 120 min, 3 tries) opens Fri, Feb 15 and closes Mon, Feb 25 at 23:59
Reading Week Feb 18-22 (no classes)
Next unit exam (in class) Fri, Mar 1 (2 hours)

Today - Multiplying with Distributive Property
Multiples of 11
Tipping 15%
Worksheet - Multiplying with Distributive Property

Tomorrow - Multiplying Polynomials
Print notepack, and pre-read p. 102-107

For more information

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