Thursday, February 28, 2013

Unit 4 Review

Comic of the Day
Tip: Whenever you factor, always check your answer

Warm Up
Mad Minute for Factoring
a) Factor

b) Factor

Announcements & Deadlines
  • Homework (108 questions) for unit 4 due Thu, Feb 28 at 23:59
  • Quiz 4 (34 questions, 120 min, 3 tries) opens Fri, Feb 15 and closes Thu, Feb 28 at 23:59
  • Next unit exam (in class) Fri, Mar 1 (2 hours)

Today - Review
Review sheets

For more information

1 comment:

  1. Review was good, should do a formal Summary of Studying for each unit. Put the lecture notes on the projector, and scroll through them while filling out each row (type of question) on the other whiteboard.
